Frequent questions
Thank you for shopping at HIMBA! Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email that includes your order number and a summary of the products purchased.
If you have not received your order confirmation email 24 hours after making the purchase, it is most likely that there was an error in the email address entered. In any case, please contact our Customer Service team through our contact page .
Please note that orders are shipped 1-2 business days after purchase, except for orders placed over the weekend or on holidays. In those cases, orders are processed during the next business day. As soon as your order has been shipped, you will receive an email notification along with the necessary information to track your order.
Access the shipping confirmation email to locate the tracking number and check the delivery status. The number has a link that redirects to the transport company's website. If you have not received this email, please check your spam folder. If it is not there, please contact our Customer Service team through our contact page .
For everything related to the status of the order, changes in the delivery address, errors when placing the order, wrong products, defective items, partial deliveries, etc., use our contact page so that we can help you.
We currently accept the following payment methods on our website: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Maestro, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal Express Checkout, Shopify Payments, and Klarna.
Yes. We offer free shipping to mainland Spain on all orders equal to or greater than €150.
The rate of your shipment will depend on your postal code and will be shown in the checkout process.
SPAIN PENINSULA: €2.99 (3 to 7 business days)
PORTUGAL: €2.99 (3 to 7 business days)
BALEARIC ISLANDS: €6.99 (3 to 7 working days)
CANARY ISLANDS: €6.99 (3 to 7 business days)
MELILLA: €9.99 (3 to 7 business days)
International 1: €35 (5 to 10 business days)
International 2: €65 (5 to 10 business days)
Orders to Spain and the European Union usually take 3 to 7 business days to arrive after being shipped. International orders (outside the EU) take 5-10 business days after being shipped.
Yes, you can change and return your product and the cost of the change or return is completely free.
You just have to check the following requirements:
- The request for exchange or return must be made within 15 days of the date of purchase.
- Items must be unused and in their original condition. Labels and seals must not be removed.
- The packaging / box must be the original and must be in perfect condition.
You must contact us through the contact page .